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What Is A Gassho Meditation And How To Perform It


Are you looking for an easy-to-practicemeditation? Do you want to increase your attention and clarity in daily life while also increasing your Reikipractice and becoming more sensitive to Reiki's core essence?

Then you've arrived at the right location. Introduce yourself to Gassho Meditation.

What Is A Gassho Meditation?

A monk praying in the gassho position
A monk praying in the gassho position

To begin with, let us define Gassho. Gassho is a Japanese gesture in which the hands are brought together in front of the heart, straightened and the palms pressed together. It is occasionally referred to as the "prayer position." Gassho can be used as a welcome (Namaste), as a sign of gratitude and respect, and is referred to as Gassho Rei when accompanied by a bow. Gassho is frequently employed as a meditation pose, in which the focus of attention is directed to the tips of the middle fingers or the space between the palms. This is a restorative, mind-clearing, and heart-opening meditation activity that facilitates a more direct connection to the universal energy that surrounds us.

And How Does It Differ From Other Forms Of Meditation?

Dr. Mikao Usui, the contemporary system of Reiki's inventor, taught a meditation technique called Gassho Meditation. This meditation is held in – you guessed it! – the Gassho position!

This meditation was used to open each Reiki workshop and meeting. Additionally, Usui urged his students to practice meditation for around 15 to 30 minutes each morning and evening.

Gassho Meditation is so straightforward that it can be practiced alone or in a group setting.

Along with being practiced daily as a normal meditation, it is also incorporated into the other Japanese Reiki Techniques.

Gassho Meditation is so straightforward that it can be practiced alone or in a group setting.

The Gassho Meditation - How To Perform It

While this may appear to be a lengthy list of stages, this meditation is actually quite simple to master and will become second nature to you!

  • Step 1: Sit (or stand) with your spine straight but comfortable and your head in a neutral, upright position.

You do not want to exert any strain in achieving this posture.

If you have back difficulties or have difficulty sitting still, try sitting in a straight-backed chair that is backed by a few pillows for added comfort.

Additionally, you can sit with your back against a wall on a cushion on the floor.

Alternatively, you might meditate while lying on a sofa or bed.

You may, however, find that you fall asleep, which is not the same thing as meditation!

  • Step 2: Close your eyes and clasp your hands in front of your chest, palms together and thumbs on the heart chakra.

When you exhale through your nostrils, your breath should be so close to your fingertips that it touches them.

  • Step 3: Focus your attention on the point where your two middle fingers meet.

Allow yourself to be free of anything else.

If your mind wanders, notice it and then let it go, refocusing on the spot where your middle fingers meet.

Make no attempt to remain unthinking. Keep an eye on your thoughts as if you were watching a movie or someone else. Simply sweep them aside gently.

Always return to keeping an eye on the point between your middle fingers.

Maintain a comfortable state of mind with your hands, which means that you should not be retaining any tension in them or straining to squeeze them together.

  • Step 4: Holding your hands up in front of your chest in the Gassho position may be uncomfortable for 15–30 minutes.

If this is the case, simply let your hands gradually drop and rest in your lap while still holding them together.

Then simply resume your meditation.

  • Step 5: Energy can be observed as heat, cold, or images.

It's acceptable to be aware of it, but then let go and restore your focus to the tips of your two middle fingers.

Avoid being attached to any sensations.

If necessary, modify your posture gradually, methodically, and consciously.

  • Step 6: Keeping your eyes closed, gradually rest your hands in your lap and take a few more minutes to appreciate this tranquil sensation.

Recognize that this serenity and tranquillity are always present in your heart.

It is always available to you regardless of when you choose to practice Gassho Meditation.

  • Step 7: Now, take a few deep breaths and direct your attention toward your eyes, gradually opening them.

Guided Gassho Meditation For Inner Peace & Healing

Final Tip

Gassho roughly translates as "two hands coming together." It helps to cleanse the mind, expand the heart, and increase the connection to Reiki energy. It has been found to be very relaxing and heart-opening even if you only do it for a short time.

If you desire, you may utilize this meditation as a starting point for your own meditations utilizing one or more of the Reiki principles.

Once fully immersed in the Gassho Meditation, simply repeat one or all five Reiki principles aloud or internally.

The principles can be expressed in either English or Japanese.

Then concentrate on the principle or principles that are held between your middle fingers.

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