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Reiki And Its Impact On Mental Health - A Systematic Review


Reikiis a form of energy healingthat originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It involves the use of gentle touch and visualization techniques to channel energy and promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

While Reiki has been widely accepted as a complementary therapy for physical conditions, reiki and its impact on mental healthare often overlooked. This article aims to shed light on the effects of Reiki on mental health and explore the ways in which this ancient healing practicecan be used to support emotional healing and well-being.

The History Of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word that means "universal life energy". It was developed by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. According to tradition, Usui discovered Reiki after fasting and meditating for 21 days on Mount Kurama in Japan.

He realized that he had developed the ability to channel healing energy through his hands and began to use this gift to help others. Over time, Reiki spread to the Western world, and today it is widely recognized as a complementary therapy for a variety of physical and mental health conditions.

Reiki practitioners use a light touch or visualization techniques to channel universal energy into the recipient's body. This energy is believed to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being by restoring balance to the body's energy centers, or chakras. The goal of Reiki is to help the recipient relax and release any blocked energy, allowing them to experience a greater sense of peace and well-being.

What Is Reiki And Its Impact On Mental Health?

The benefits of Reiki for mental healthhave been widely documented. Here are five ways in which Reiki can have a positive impact on mental well-being:

Reduces Stress And Anxiety

Reiki can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system. During a Reiki session, the recipient is encouraged to let go of their worries and focus on the present moment.

This helps to quiet the mind and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Reiki has been shown to lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, and increase feelings of relaxation and peace.

Improves Sleep Quality

Reiki can also improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Many people find that they sleep better after a Reiki session and that they feel more refreshed and energized when they wake up. Improved sleep quality can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing feelings of anxiety and depression and improving overall well-being.

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Group of Women Dancing Together

Boosts Mood And Confidence

Talking about reiki and its impact on mental health, Reiki can also have a positive impact on mood and confidence. By reducing stress and anxiety and promoting relaxation, Reiki can help to improve overall mood and increase feelings of confidence and self-esteem.

This can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing feelings of depression and improving overall well-being.

Supports Emotional Healing

Reiki can also be used to support emotional healing by promoting a greater sense of peace and well-being. Many people find that Reiki helps them to release pent-up emotions and negative feelings, allowing them to process their emotions and move forward in a more positive and healthy way.

Reiki can help to reduce feelings of anger, sadness, and anxiety and promote a greater sense of emotional balance and stability.

Promotes Mindfulness And Self-Awareness

Reiki can also promote mindfulness and self-awareness by encouraging the recipient to focus on the present moment and release any negative thoughts or feelings. This can help to improve overall mental health by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

Additionally, Reiki can help individuals to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotional patterns. This increased self-awareness can lead to greater emotional stability and improved mental health.

Reiki Is A Safe And Non Invasive Therapy

Reiki is a safe and non-invasive therapy that can be used to support mental health and emotional well-being. It does not involve the use of drugs or other harmful substances, and there are no known negative side effects associated with Reiki.

It is a gentle and effective form of energy healing that can be used to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and support emotional healing.

Reiki For Sanity And Mental Health

Does Reiki Benefit Mental Health Symptoms Above Placebo?

The reiki and its impact on mental health symptoms compared to a placebo have been the subject of limited research. Some studies have found that Reiki can have a positive impact on mental health symptoms, while others have found no significant difference between Reiki and placebo.

However, it is important to note that the body of research on this subject is small, and more rigorous studies are needed to fully understand the potential benefits of Reiki for mental health. While some individuals may experience significant improvements in their mental health symptoms with Reiki, it is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment and should be used in conjunction with other treatments as recommended by a healthcare professional.

Additionally, Reiki may not be effective for everyone and it is important to work with a qualified practitioner who can help determine if Reiki is right for you.

People Also Ask

Can Reiki Be Used As A Treatment For Mental Health Conditions?

Reiki should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment for mental health conditions.

What Are The Benefits Of Reiki For Mental Health?

Reiki may help reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood and confidence, promote mindfulness and self-awareness, and support emotional healing.

Is Reiki Safe For Individuals With Mental Health Conditions?

Reiki is generally considered safe and non-invasive. However, it is important to work with a qualified practitioner who can help determine if Reiki is appropriate for your individual needs.

Is There Evidence To Support The Effectiveness Of Reiki For Mental Health?

The evidence for the effectiveness of Reiki for mental health is limited and more rigorous studies are needed to fully understand its potential benefits.


In conclusion, talking about reiki and its impact on mental health, Reiki is a form of energy healing that can have a profound impact on mental health. By promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting mood and confidence, supporting emotional healing, and promoting mindfulness and self-awareness, Reiki can be an effective tool for improving overall well-being.

Whether you are looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, or support emotional healing, Reiki can be a valuable addition to your self-care routine. If you are interested in trying Reiki, it is important to work with a qualified practitioner who can help guide you through the process and provide support as needed.

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