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Karuna Reiki Master Symbols And Their Uses


Other healingmodalities utilize the Karuna Reiki Master symbols. The International Center for ReikiTraining, for example, includes the Usui Dai Ko Myo, Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, and Tibetan Fire Serpent in their Usui/Tibetan Reiki MasterTraining. To reconcile the Usui and Tibetan systems, the Karuna system incorporates the Usui Dai Ko Myo and Tibetan Symbols.

When the first three symbols (Om, Dai Ko Mio, and Fire Serpent) are combined with Karuna Reiki, they acquire a unique vibration.

Empower the hands by placing the Karuna Reiki Master symbols on the palms of the hands before treatments and attunements. Om is held in the hands, the name is silently uttered three times, and the hands, or palms, are clapped together three times. Carry out the same procedure with the Tibetan Dai Ko Mio and the Fire Serpent.

Karuna Master Symbols

Tibetan Master Symbol Dai Ko Mio

Tibetan Master Symbol Dai Ko Mio symbol
Tibetan Master Symbol Dai Ko Mio symbol

The process of attunement begins with the use of this symbol. It can be used in conjunction with and during therapy with violet breath. Using the Karuna Reiki energy, Dai Ko Mio connects the recipient to the Earth Star Chakra, where she resides. As a result, it becomes simpler to maintain a sense of purpose and connection with one's spiritual mission.

Tibetan Fire Serpent

Tibetan Fire Serpent symbol
Tibetan Fire Serpent symbol

This symbol is used throughout the attunement process to connect the chakrasin preparation for the attunement. The serpent descends the spine and coils at the base, with the arch rising above the crown. It can be used to connect the chakras during therapy or meditation. When combined with Karuna Reiki energy, it balances all of the chakras and energy bodies simultaneously.

This acclimates the recipient to the depth of the Karuna Reiki energy.


Om symbol
Om symbol

This is a Sanskrit sign that appears in numerous eastern spiritual disciplines. It embodies and links us to our inherent oneness. Purification, protection, sealing, and stabilization of the aura. When drawn above one's head, it opens the crown and creates a passage to God and higher consciousness.

Usui Dai Ko Myo

Usui Dai Ko Myo symbol
Usui Dai Ko Myo symbol

This symbol is most frequently used in conjunction with the Karuna Reiki attunementprocess. It is occasionally instructed to be used as a treatment sign in Karuna Reiki, but is more usually utilized in Usui Reiki. Simply use your instincts to identify which application is appropriate. This is the mode of communication used by Reiki masters in Japan.

Who Invented Karuna Reiki?

Mikao Usui (15 August 1865–9 March 1926, often referred to as Mikao Usui in Japanese) was the inventor of Karuna Reiki master symbols and the founder of the spiritual practiceknown as Reiki, utilized as a complementary therapy for physical, emotional, and mental illnesses. According to the inscription on his memorial stone, Usui taught Reiki to nearly 2,000 people during his lifetime. Eleven of these students extended their training to the Shinpiden level, which is similar to the third degree in Western martial arts or the Master level.

Who Can Learn Karuna Reiki?

A student must have been a Reiki master for at least six months and be able to draw the Reiki II and master symbols from memory in order to enroll in this session. This workshop is open to anyone who has completed a Reiki Master training course. Two levels, two attunements, four master symbols, and eight therapy symbols are included.


Numerous additional Reiki symbols are worth discussing, each with its own distinct representation and use. This overview discusses the most prevalent ones as well as some non-traditional ones.

What you should take away from this post is a better grasp of what they are and how to properly use them.

Utilize it as a reference and guide for yourself or anybody else in need of a more exact representation of the Karuna Reiki master symbols.

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